Sunday, November 30, 2008


ㄟM先生啊~~ 馬英久的「不統、不獨、不武」是台灣58%選民認同的選項, 所以拜託你們這些台獨老美及假台灣人(ABT)別在台灣鬧了。
連台獨黨 A錢教主陳阿扁都明說 「台獨做不到」了嘛﹗
八年扁禍回顧 - 當選算我好運!扁式言論
你們不要KMT一上台就「靠北叫母」的 ,一天到晚喊「狼來了、狼來了」, 硬把貪污的司法事件及暴民事件製造成假的「政治事件」, 破壞台灣的國際形象。 你是不是阿共派來的間諜啊。
請你們這些台獨老美及假台灣人(ABT) 趕快打包行李離開台灣吧,你們時間太多想搞獨立請去Israel的隔壁Palestine他們比較需要你們。Palestinians是真的真的真的真的想獨立。


BTW, we finally know why DPP is still so broke compared to KMT after eight years in power, because all of the "political contributions" to DPP were laundered all over the world by 阿珍 and 阿扁 to buy real estates, jewelries, and cars for the Chen family (not for DPP) plus change. You know...台幣三百億 of "political contributions" that 阿扁 "took", doesn't sound too far fetched anymore. Perhaps DPP can be competitive again if they can get 阿扁 to somehow launder the "political contributions" back to DPP accounts ..., but 阿珍 will probably kill 阿扁 before he can give $1 to DPP!! hahahaha... Truth is a bitch!!!

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